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Song of Fire

"The Fire's Flame" is now available on Amazon as an ebook and can be bought as a physical book here on the website.

"A really good, exciting fantasy" - review in Danish (Sus' bogblog)

First volume in the serie "Song of Fire".

Teaser on the back of the book:

“There must be something you can do,” Dries objected desperately.

He knew, what he would have to do if they could not get him under treatment.

“I haven’t learned to heal something that serious and I can’t make the potion here,” she rejected while crying. Dries grabbed her arms and shook her: “You have to try! Or else …” He could not finish the sentence, but Ainua knew, what he meant.

Ainua can heal and already in an early age, she shows great promise and talent for it. The village she grows up in lies near a forest, and everyone knows, that forests are dangerous - so why does Ainua feel drawn to it?

The plot in general (no spoilers):
"The Fire's Flame" is set in the land of Trifolium, where we meet our protagonist Ainua, who is a young senara, in a small village by the name of Cir.
Ainua turns out to be a healer and has great talent for this magical area. In the first part of the book, we follow Ainua's childhood and development with healing. But evil powers lures in the darkness and the forest by Cir has a drawing effect on Ainua - and everyone knows that forests are dangerous.
In the second part of the book, evil powers has been at large and Ainua leaves her village. She meets a world, that is far bigger than the village she grew up in and discovers, that evil has many kind of faces. So when new evil powers threats her new home, Ainua cannot stand by and watch - she chooses to act and this leads her to an adventure she will never forget ...

"The Fire's Flame" is a fantasy-book filled with magic, excitement and action - and it is for readers from the age of 13/14 years and older.

Can be bought in English as an e-book at Amazon.

Reader-reviews (so far only in Danish)

You can read the Danish reader-reviews on Saxo.com here and on Goodreads.com here.

Reviews from book bloggers can be read at Sus' bogblog here, Benedictes Blog here and Læsehest med Fantasy here.


Do you want a physical copy?

Click here and I'll sent it to you. Remember to write your address - and if you want it signed, let me know, I love to sign books.

Price: 200,00 DKK

Unleash Your Imagination - Fantasy Notebook

Get your ideas down on paper. Allow yourself to be inspired by this 120 pages A5-size fantasy notebook and unleash your imagination on its pages.

This is the notebook, I missed to both inspire me and to write down my thoughts in. And when you can't find it - well, you have to make it yourself.


You can buy the notebook via Amazon her or directly from this site:

Price: 50,00 DKK

Volume 2 in Song of Fire

Under development. The picture is merely to set the mood.

Volume 3 in Song of Fire

Under development. The picture is merely to set the mood.

Shipment outside of Denmark varies depending on where the final destination is located in the world (shipment will be handled by Pakke.dk) - if you buy for at least 500 DKK, the shipment is free.